New Life Community Church

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Something is Missing

Today is just like every other day - the same feeling of not accomplishing  anything, the same routine day in and day out.  A feeling liker there is something missing, a feeling like there is something more.  

Jesus wants us to have a closer relationship with our Creator.  He begins to explain what it means, and how you can achieve a relationship with Him.  It was on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem when Jesus began to speak saying,

Jesus starts with this statement because Jesus’s message is an understanding of His humility, charity and brotherly love. He teaches transformation of the inner person.  Transformation begins with the knowledge that we do need a God in our lives.

The book of Genesis tells us that we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). It was sin that separated us from the love of God and it was Jesus that was willing to go to the cross to repair that separation and make it possible for us to once again have that relationship. We need to understand and to notice that we are poor in spirit.  We were always intended to have a relationship with God.  That is the missing piece.  That is the path that will add purpose to our lives.  Give it a try today. Start out your day seeking the one who is seeking you. Have a full and Blessed day.   

This attempt to share the joy that we experience  with Christ each and everyday has been shared from the desk of Clearpathways.

Come join us at New Life Community Church.  Our services on Sunday are at 8:30am and 10:30am.  Come experience what it means to understand that if we are poor in spirt, it is because we lack Him. Experience The Change.