Where Did That Come From?
There are a lot of things that we just take for granted in our little worlds. I was on my way into the living room the other day and flipped the light switch on. For the first time that I can remember nothing happened. Normally, I wouldn’t even give that action a thought, but today nothing happened.
I’m sure you have found yourselves in the same position.
So I proceeded to move the switch back and forth about six times just to make sure it was broken. In our lives we do a lot of things on a daily basis and never take time to realize the sacrifice and work that has taken place to provide what we take for granted. The simple task of turning on a light switch evolves a lot of effort that we didn’t provide.
First it has to be wired to your electrical box and to the light fixture. That electricity has to be supplied from somewhere before it gets to your light switch. The grid has to monitored and wires had to be run, poles to hold those wires and trees that threaten those wires have to be trimmed. The list goes on and on.
July 4th is a day that we must remember why we celebrate and the road that was traveled, not by us, to get us to this day. There are two people that have given you what you enjoy today. First we have Jesus Christ who has died for our spiritual freedom.
There is another who has died for you it is the American Soldier men and women who have laid down their lives so that you may have Physical freedom.
Some times we take both of them for granted. Just like that light switch we figure they will always be readily available to us. If we neglect any of them we will lose the opportunity for freedom and forever be under the tyranny of someone who doesn’t care for us.
The Declaration of Independence is housed in the National Archives. On the floor of that building which was designed by John Russell Pope and completed in 1935, engraved in bronze are the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. These laws formed the foundation that our country was built on. And yet we just take the idea that our country was formed under God for granted. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai his face glowed from being in the presence of God. We live in a country that has not only given us freedom of religion but the right to worship as we please and very rarely do we glow.